Episode 023: The House That Dripped Cev Moore


Cev Moore Is a UK based musician and podcaster. He cohosts Film Guff Podcast, which offers low brow talk about low rent movies, and Here Lies Amicus, which explores the work of the decidedly low rent British horror studio Amicus Productions. His love of movies - particularly the under funded and under appreciated - is infectious. We cover the schlocky, and not so schlocky, British horror - from Ealing's Dead of Night, to Amicus and Hammer. We're talking The Psychopath (1966), Dr. Who and the Daleks (1963), Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. (1966), Taste of Fear (1961), Asylum (1972) Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee!

Listen to Cev's podcasts:  Here Lies Amicus and The Film Guff Podcast

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